AEMH Conference 2019 - programme





AEMH Conference 2019

“Clinical Leadership – an European Project”

Oslo, 9 May 2019

14:00 -18:00

Venue: Radisson Blu Scandinavia HotelHolbergsgate 30, Oslo, 0166 



Welcome and introduction

Jon Helle, MD, President, Norwegian Associationf for Senior Hospital Physicians 

Erich-Theo Merholz, MD, AEMH President

Survey of Clinical Leadership

Rainer Riedel, Prof, MD, Director, Institute of Health Economics Outcomes Research, Cologne, Germany

Physicians’ role in the management and leadership of healthcare. A scoping review

Karin Båtelson, MD, AEMH vice-president

Clinical leadership – an integrative holistic approach in becoming a physician

Anja Tuulonen, Prof, MD, Head of Department, Tays Eye Centre, Tampere University Hospital

Sustainability in leading change: value and innovation

Ioanna Psalti, PhD, Director, Dime Ltd, UK  


Clinical leadership – perspectives of the Junior Doctors generation

Francisco Ribeiro Mourao, Chairperson, Postgraduate Training Committee, EJD

The importance of structured medical training in Europe – UEMS perspective

João Grenho, MD, UEMS Vice-president

Clinical Leadership Academy: Vision, Structure, Expectancy

Vlad Tica, Prof, MD


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