AEMH Conference 2019 - programme
AEMH Conference 2019
“Clinical Leadership – an European Project”
Oslo, 9 May 2019
14:00 -18:00
Venue: Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Holbergsgate 30, Oslo, 0166
Welcome and introduction
Jon Helle, MD, President, Norwegian Associationf for Senior Hospital Physicians
Erich-Theo Merholz, MD, AEMH President
Rainer Riedel, Prof, MD, Director, Institute of Health Economics Outcomes Research, Cologne, Germany
Physicians’ role in the management and leadership of healthcare. A scoping review
Karin Båtelson, MD, AEMH vice-president
Clinical leadership – an integrative holistic approach in becoming a physician
Anja Tuulonen, Prof, MD, Head of Department, Tays Eye Centre, Tampere University Hospital
Sustainability in leading change: value and innovation
Ioanna Psalti, PhD, Director, Dime Ltd, UK
Clinical leadership – perspectives of the Junior Doctors generation
Francisco Ribeiro Mourao, Chairperson, Postgraduate Training Committee, EJD
The importance of structured medical training in Europe – UEMS perspective
João Grenho, MD, UEMS Vice-president
Clinical Leadership Academy: Vision, Structure, Expectancy
Vlad Tica, Prof, MD
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