• European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians
  • Association Européenne des Médecins des Hôpitaux
  • Association Européenne des Médecins des Hôpitaux


AEMH Conference 2017

“E-health in hospitalcare in 2017”

Luxembourg, 4 May 2017

14:00 -18:00

Venue: Hotel Parc Belair, 111 Avenue du Dix Septembre, 2551 Luxembourg

Provisional PROGRAMME


Speaker information

Hervé Barge - Director, Agence e-Santé, Luxembourg

Sharing and exchanging healthcare data between hospitals and other healthcare providers: new challenges further to the General Data Protection Regulation


Eirik Nikolai Arnesen, Special advisor, Norwegian Medical Association

E-health in Norway


Henrique Martins - CEO SPMS.EPE, Portuguese Ministry of Health

Clinical Leadership in times of digitality


Sascha Marschang - Director of Operations and Membership, EPHA

From e/m-Health to digital healthcare - a brief overview of EPHA's work


Andrea Budin, Ericcson Nikola Tesla

E-health: challenges and lessons learned


Karin Batelson - President, Swedish Association of Senior Hospital Physicians

E-health and patients' rights in Sweden. Win-win?


Bernard Maillet - Vice President, CPME

Handling health data in the context of medical research


Philippe de Lorme - Honorary Director, CHU Rouen, France

The integrated medical record - a hospital perspective


Georges Wantz - Director, Deloitte Tax and Consulting, Luxembourg

Data protection in the context of medical files


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