Clinical Leadership
- AEMH Statement on Clinical Leadership
- When Clinicians Lead
- Best Hospitals Are Run By Clinicians
- Clinical Leadership Masterclass
- What is Clinical Leadership?
- Does Clinical Leadership Matter?
- Transforming Clinical Governance
- Healthcare Leadership Model
- 1200 unnecessary deaths in UK Hospitals
- AEMH, EJD, FEMS Vienna declaration
- ArtPub5 Med Teacher Perspectives on Management Education
- ArtPub6 JJME Management Matters
- ArtPub 7 MedTeach Tetrahedron of medical academics
- ArtPub9 EJINME Why M&L education for internists
- Clinical Leadership in Ehealth
- Clinical Leadership literature review
- Clinical Leadership wheel
- Creating stronger bonds between health managers and clinicians
- Drilling on Clinical Leadership
- Engaging doctors leadership
- Guidance for Undergraduate Medical Education
- In good hands report
- Inspiring leaders Dept of health
- IZA report on Hospital Leadership
- Luxembourg Declaration
- Medical Leadership Curriculum
- NHS Healthcare leadership model
- Organisational Development achieving change
- The critical role of clinical leaders - transforming care today and tomorrow
- The accidental clinical leaders
- Training requirements for management and clinical leadership by Henrique Martins
- UEMS 2012.29 - Template structure for European Training Requirements
- Clinical leadership working group - Lisbon - 2018
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